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Corporate Shield™



We regularly monitor the changing legal landscape to ensure that your business documents keep pace.  Specifically, you receive these important benefits:

  • Notification if a law change affects your business, and education on what to do about it;

  • File your company’s periodic reports as required by law;

  • Preparation of Minutes of Meetings and Unanimous Written Consents at least twice per year;

  • Periodic review of your business documents to incorporate newstrategies and improvements in legal language;

  • Annual meeting with one of our attorneys;

  • Phone consultations at no additional charge;

  • Respond to requests for information from the Secretary of State;

  • Prepare share, membership or partnership certificates as required and maintain ownership and transfer logs.

The Corporate Shield™ Program will accomplish all of this, and more, while reducing your company’s overall operating


Corporate Shield™ Coordinator


Louisa Martin

Successful Work Team

Business Maintenance
and Counseling Program


Planning for Success

The initial success of your business

structure is the result of properly

counseled, designed and drafted

documents together with the complete

and correct titling of your business assets.


The long term success of your business

structure is dependent on (1) regular

review and fine tuning of your company’s

governing documents, (2) consistent

documentation of company actions and

(3) timely state and federal filings to help

keep pace with the myriad legal

requirements of operating a business.

Corporate Shield™ is a powerful and

affordable company maintenance and

updating program for our clients who

own their own businesses and for those

who have created entities as a part of

their estate plans. It is designed to keep

your business planning current and


Businesses fail and individuals lose their personal assets because the business entity is not properly maintained. The Corporate Shield™ Program is a proactive strategy specifically designed to minimize that risk.

The Program is designed to systematically review and properly and consistently document your business activities. By increasing the contact between us throughout the year and by encouraging “hands–on” control of maintaining your company’s operating documents, your company has a much greater chance of continuing to meet your goals in the face of the

ever–changing legal and tax environment and your family’s changing needs and goals.

Friendly Young Doctor
Smiling Lawyer
afterwards handyman logo.jpg

Art Wickberg, Owner

The Forbush Legal Maintenance program is peace of mind at its best.  It allows me to concentrate on the things I know how to do and allows me to still feel protected in knowing that I have a legal team watching my back and ensuring I'm set up for success

Corporate Shield™ Testimonials





902 S. Weber St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Tel:  719-473-6654


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